Published on: Monday, January 13, 2014
The RIO All-Suites Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada will host the ASCH Annual Scientific Meeting and Workshop on March 4-8, 2011.
This four-day, multi disciplinary conference will highlight the very best integration of our current knowledge regarding hypnosis, innovations in clinical practice such as the development of hypnotic suggestions based on new understanding of the neurophysiologic effects of hypnosis; and utilization of technology such as computers, biofeedback equipment, and advanced dictation software and how most effectively to utilize these innovations for a wide range of clinical problems. Presentations will include advanced workshops and scientific symposia in all areas related to the use of hypnosis in mental health, social work, medicine, and dentistry.
The scientific program looks excellent, here are a list of the plenary speakers:
RealAge and You, The Cleveland Clinic Experience of Controlling Your Genes and What It Means for You, presented by Michael Roizen, MD, Chief Wellness Officer for the Cleveland Clinic.
Analgesic Effects of Hypnosis and Virtual Reality Distraction, a two-part presentation by David Patterson, PhD, ABPP, Professor of Rehabilitation, Medicine, Surgery and Psychology at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and Hunter Hoffman, PhD of the Virtual Reality Research Center at the University of Washington. This presentation will include a discussion of the use of virtual reality and hypnosis to control pain and an experiential demonstration of virtual reality software and equipment.
Principles and Practice of Stress Management: Hypnosis, Autogenic Training, and Biofeedback, presented by Paul Lehrer, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.
Hypnosis-Facilitated Psychotherapy, Mind Over Matter, presented by Eric Vermetten, MD, PhD, Head of Research, Military Mental Health Service, Department of Defense, the Netherlands, and Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Neuroscience Division of the University Medical Center, Utrecht.
Hypnotic Analgesia: Clinical Implications of Recent Research Findings, presented by Mark Jensen, PhD, Professor and Vice Chair of Research in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine; and Editor-In-Chief of The Journal of Pain.
Download the PDF with full meeting information
What is hypnosis?
Definitions of hypnosis
Types of suggestion
Scientific theories of hypnosis
History of hypnosis
Animal hypnosis
Key people in hypnosis
Demand characteristics
Scientific research
States of consciousness
Modification of suggestibility
Attention and hypnosis
Pain research
Hypnosis as a research tool
Genes and hypnotizability
What is hypnotherapy?
Is it effective?
Finding a therapist
Irritable bowel syndrome
Weight loss
Hypnosis research papers
Suggestibility scales
Book reviews
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